Thursday, January 16, 2014

On The Ability, Capability and Applicability To Write

To write is to keep breathing is how i see it. The past few months i could not collect the power or exert any effort to produce anything written, except maybe on paper. What i wrote on paper was simply a matter of not forgetting my thoughts, because i sometimes tend to bring the "Alzheimer's" in me. I usually try to draw inspiration from my peers, friends and family.

There are two main factors, rather contributors to my writing of a blog. The first one is my father, mother and sister. You might think yeah here is someone who loves his family and tries to highlight them in everything he does, yet again. But it is the truth. You live with them long enough to experience certain things that you do not outside your home. I am a pretty introverted individual. I practice loneliness, so to speak. This makes me more in touch with who i am really. The three of them share this with me, with the slight exception of my sister. She is the outgoing one in our family. When we do not speak in words, we speak in thoughts and feelings.

The second contributor will be my friends. And i mean my FRIENDS. People who you do not necessarily see on a daily basis, but when you see each other something clicks inside you and you start cursing each other in the most profane ways. This is the Egyptian way of talking by the way. Some of my friends live or study abroad, and are the closest to me. Some live in my street, and i do not talk to them as often. Traditionally, friends are perceived to be the ones who you see more than do your family. Well, yeah if you are homeless. In my own view, when you see your friends, after a year, two or even ten years, you know them. You know who they are and they know you. Even if there are personal changes or inner factors that made them behave in a different way. But they exist as you know them to be. The title was actually thought of when i was in a "Qahwa", an Egyptian type of cafe, with some of them. Some of the best of them actually.

The posts that are going to be written on this blog will be mainly political and social ones. A medium to harness my inner writing powers. This one was short, sort of an introductory welcoming letter. And in the likes of Patrick Bateman in American Psycho: "I Simply Am Not There".