Friday, February 7, 2014

ACT II: A Documentary named "The Square" (Final Act)

They began to think of hows and whys. How were they allowed entrance to a movie that is simply not there. And above all, a ticket for 200 Egyptian pounds. Understandingly, they were mentally ready to kick the usher's face, for a lot of apparent reasons. Again, the cinema hall is empty with no bystanders, moviegoers or even cinema personnel, which drove them even crazier. Only the usher, " Which we gave the money to," was in his designated place. They wanted to let him share a piece of their thoughts.

X: (As usual, with unpretentious, unwilling manner) Hey you, where is the goddamn movie we paid for?

The usher does not seem to be moving or even fluttering his eyes.

X: (He moves towards the usher's kiosk in a way to make eye contact with him) Am I not talking to you?  (He said with a forceful voice) All of a sudden you're deaf. Oh, I got it. You're only focused when there are 400 POUNDS SITTING ON THE COUNTER.

Y: (With calm) You are not letting him speak, you're just yelling and it won't help. (Turning his posture towards the usher) Is there some kind of mechanical failure, or is it just the guard playing a hoax on us?

The usher remains in his mental zone of unresponsive behavior. He only pointed towards something or someone behind their backs. A bit strange they thought and rude. They turned around, not out of fear which might be a factor in this weird cinema hall, but out of curiosity. Two tall men stood behind them in suits and ties. It was as if a scene from the movie "Men In Black". 

Y: (With unheard before sarcasm) What are you going to do? Neuralyze us? ( X and Y began to laugh hysterically)

Man In Black I:  (Conviction in his attitude) Please come with us.

X: Yeah and we are supposed to follow you with daffodils in our minds. (He turns to the usher) Give us back our money and let us get out of here.

Man In Black II: I think it is better for you both if you come with us.

Y: Or what?

MIB I and II start to slowly raise their guns from their holsters in a way to say "You better come with us or it will get nasty down here." At the same moment, a car just squealed its tires just outside the entrance, ready for its next pickup. X and Y knew that they had been entrapped. Either we go with them or get shot. As simple as that. Both of them headed inside the car and then the MIBs followed. The car then went on its way.

The car was big enough to have them all in it comfortably. But what drew their attention was that the MIBs began to dismantle what is apparently their "plastic made guns". 

Y: Of all people, why us? (Saying it to himself)

X: This is not the appropriate question my friend. The question is why did we pay 400 pounds for a lousy documentary? Oh, I forgot. There is none.

Y: Would you shut up already. I have had enough of it all. (He shifts his sight towards his abductors) May I ask why is this all? Obviously you are no government officials or even security personnel. Who are you?

MIB II: Always having this labelling problem. You have to categorize. For now, you can call us "Do Gooders"  Ordinary people.

X:  Yeah, ordinary people flashing guns at peaceful civilians. That's refreshing.

MIB I: The purpose of this all is to enlighten you. As you have been assured by our toy guns, we mean you no harm. They were just a method of force. A tool. And you were successfully fooled by their usage.

Y: Enlighten us? What are we to you? Children perhaps?

X: Wait wait, I get it. You are those guys who turn up and perform tricks and pranks on people on the street. Very elaborate, yet funny. Now get us the hell out of this car.

MIB I: We are not any kind of hoax makers or any of that nonsense.

MIB II: (Sounding more serious now) What do you think of the January Revolution that took place in 2011?

Y: (Giving in to the situation at hand at last) Well, I think it was meant to be. Had to be done even.

MIB II: And you? (Asking X)

X: I'm no political analyst or anything but I guess something had to be done for a change. Anything actually.

MIB I: And I suppose that, by logic, change has to occur with certain compromises. A give and take kind of situation.

X: Yeah so?..

MIB II: Do you know how many martyrs died in the revolution?

Both shook their heads without an answer.

MIB I: Do you know that up until now, nothing was achieved of the revolution's main objectives? The martyrs' names are voiced in every interview, newspaper and T.V. program and nothing was made for their families. A commodity to bargain with for elections and political leverage.

X: (Saying to his friend Y with ridicule) Go ahead Mr. "I know the Revolution". Respond to those questions. "I read everything about the revolution" (Mocking him)

Y: I never...

MIB II: Do you really think that reading about it would make you both experts on it? Is it some contest for you to get ahead in?

Y: Look, we lived abroad most of our lives, but we are Egyptians first and foremost.

MIB II: Yeah well that tells a lot about you both.

X: Meaning what?

MIB I: Well for starters you paid 200 pounds each for movie tickets.

X: How did you know about that?

MIB II: Because we own the place. We priced the tickets.

Y: But why this price? I mean we did not protest the charge in the first place, but come to think of it, it is a hefty price tag for a cinema ticket.

By the time he finished the sentence, the car slowly stopped. It seems we arrived to our destination,they thought. They lowered the window. They saw what felt like Tahrir Square. 

Y: Why did you bring us here?

MIB I: People say that to say something is totally different from doing it or living it. As much as you read, you will never know the truth. As much as you listen or hear, you will never be able to sustain any reliable source.

X: (Sarcasm) That's the whole point of it yeah.

Y: But why again the 200 pounds ticket?

MIB II: Just to make you feel, even for a second, what the martyrs did and sacrificed for their country.

MIB I: We brought you both here for you to know that media, books and newspapers are not the only medium of knowledge. We also do not claim knowledge of it all either. But opening CNN and reading about it does not make you an expert for that matter.

Y: Yes, you are right. But we could not possibly re-live it again. I mean the whole thing.

MIB I: That's true. That is why we will take the 400 pounds and donate it for an organisation that supports the injured in the revolution. To make you feel that it was worth it.

X: (With humility) Now I feel ashamed of myself.

MIB II: You should not be. You are an Egyptian after all.

X and Y shook hands with the MIBs and thanked them. They got out of the car and soon the car was unseen in the Cairo traffic.

Y: Tahrir square was never this beautiful in the television or on the internet.

X: (Sarcasm) Do you mean it was photo-shopped?

Y: No, silly. I mean it really is beautiful.

Both of them begin to think of the past three years and the conversation they just had with the "Do Gooders". Strange as it was, but it was greatly mind-opening. Then X leaned towards his friend, eyeballing him. 

X: You know what; we should have entered that Sylvester Stallone movie.

They began to laugh loudly.

For the first Act, please go to:

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