Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My Own Refuge


The thing is I am never alone. Not without my fear. Not without a luring shadow attracting me to the dark. I’m never without that menacing voice in my head grabbing me by the neck, driving me by an insane and manic speed.

I’m never feeling any distinguishable light. There is no discernable exit from this puzzled existence. I can be at times claustrophobically-driven in my thoughts, if that is even a word. I’m even not entitled to describe myself as a well-brought up human being because I cannot differentiate between who I am and who I could be.

If I was asked a year ago where I could be in a year, I would have responded with a chuckle. A chuckle that would seem to the inquisitor that I am filled with hopes and dreams. To me, that chuckle is dangerous. It means that there is no knowledge within my mind as to where I can possibly be in a year. I don’t even know where I am now. I don’t know how I even got here.

But to me, it is part of being an idiotically idealistic person. How could I possibly know where I could be in a year or even a day? I enter the bathroom meditating on some thought. I get out thinking an entirely different one, mainly because I had already forgotten about the first one. You can’t even ask that question. It is not within any logical realm.

Whatever you may have that I do not have does not make me less important. In fact, it makes you more responsible. And with responsibility comes burdens. In essence, I am carrying a lighter weight than you do. Thoughts are the same. If you are mentally occupied by a certain idea, it will drive you crazy to the core. But if you are empty from the inside, like me, you won’t be having any trouble. The trouble you will be facing is society. Society orders you to be shaped into a certain form, which is illogical, yet necessary. See the thing is, if you do not obey society, society will disavow you. You will be the outcast. You will be shamefully painted as an unwelcomed guest who had overstayed his visit. That is a true fact!

Besides, who cares if I can be shaped into a form that is required by society? Haven’t you heard of that saying that goes like “No Man Is An Island”?  Well I am sorry to disappoint you. Man is certainly an island. He is an island of thoughts. An island of senses and feelings. An island of peace and perspective. An island that firmly stands alone by itself. So in retrospect, man can only be with another man only if their ideals and thoughts meet together. You can never force someone to be with another man unless they are compatible in a lot of humanistic themes and standards. Accordingly, let me introduce to you the modified version of the aforementioned saying. “Men Are Archipelagos”. Archipelagos are chains of islands collected next to each other, whereas men are defined by who they personally are, then by who they are with; not the other way around.

The result is you will be under the microscope for being defiant. But that’s okay. You will have your moments of declared defeat and you will choose to cower in and start going with the flow. You have to. That’s life! If you do not go with the flow, they will attack. If you go with the flow, others will attack. It is complicated. You just cannot satisfy everyone, which will mesmerize you all the more because you will always seek to fill that non-existent gap of always demanding people’s attention. But then you will decide to haplessly sooth yourself by admitting to yourself that one’s self is what is important and it is beneficial for you to pursue your own thoughts. At that point you will reach a crossroads. Which way will you go? Droit ou Gauche?! Food for thought!

So what can you do when you are faced with that futuristic question? Do you know how, why and what will you be in a year? You do not. You can however set a goal for yourself and strive for it. You may or may not reach it, but at least you gave it your all.

The last paragraph was pretty lame wasn’t it? Some sort of pep talk you hear from your mother or your father on a daily basis. Honey, you have to set a goal for yourself in order to become successful and make us proud of you. Let me strike upon you some realistic facts. Set a goal. Don’t set a goal. You think your parents or friends would care if you succeed or not? Of course they would. But they will get over it. They might get suicidal or negligent. But hey, you did what you wanted right? NO!!

You do not do it for them. You do not maintain an image of yourself you have been keeping for the past twenty odd years just so you not to piss them off. Piss them off. Fight. Agitate them. Face them off. Be scared from yourself. Decide that you do not want to decide. It is a decision that you have to live and deal with. Be able to do it now against others before you have to face your immortal enemy, that one that’s inside you. I know I know, again with the clichés. But clichés are there for a reason. They are here to represent  common occurrences that we all face regularly. So zip it!

Bellowing beneath that calm body you have is another person that is waiting to depart that box that is embodying it. Let’s call it “The Refuge”. Now the Refuge can take off at any given second. This can be caused by societal pressure, peer pressure, anxiety, illness, relationships, love and so on. Find whichever trigger, whichever catalyst you have to nudge that Refuge inside you. I might not know all of you who are reading that post. You might be friends. You might be past acquaintances. You might be distant online peers. But if you are still reading the post, by now it is safe to think that you are intrigued by the prospect that makes you think: “Yeah, I do want to change a couple of things inside me.” And I kid you not, obviously so do I.

It is Aching.. Lamenting.. Waiting..

Regardless of what you think of me by now, you have to ask yourself this question. Can I apply what was written on me, or was it just some rants that are posted and that’s it?

Looming behind that question is either an angel or a devil.

It only depends on your answer.

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