I know of nothing
Like a baby in a crib
Surrounded by muses of days gone by
Without inching a foot out
I see it
I see it clearly
What is waiting for me
If only I can escape
If only
But I am within my nest
Shackled with strands of sand
Blocked by a glassless window
I do not seem to escape
Phantom limbs pulling at me
Soothing me to sleep
Hindering my ascent
Promising me of visionless dreams
I oblige to them
I succumb to the phantom
Yet when I lay down my head
All is lost
I can no longer see
I can no longer feel
For I was robbed
For I was betrayed
Like a baited animal
Lured in to his misery
Served to his defeat
But never worry
I will wake up again
From my gluttonous slumber
And soon the walls of the crib
Will overwhelm me with glorious hopes
Of becoming a Man